Senin, 21 Desember 2009


Pernahkan anda setelah melakukan update windows di komputer, notebook atau laptop anda melalui koneksi internet dan menemukan komputer anda, notebook atau laptop anda bergerak sangat lambat? Prosesing yang dilakukan sangat lama dan membuat anda kesal. Serta di sudut kanan bawah ada muncul sebuah kotak yang berisikan tulisan Windows Notification. Atau anda menemukan tulisan yang mengatakan bahwa anda adalah "Victim windows counterfeiting". Anda juga menemukan pada saat windows logon screen ada sebuah kotak di kanan bawah yang sangat mengganggu. Itu karena windows yang anda gunakan tidak dapat melewati inspeksi yang dilakukan oleh microsoft, atau dalam arti lain windows yang anda gunakan adalah Windows Bajakan. Tapi anda sebaiknya jangan khawatir. Anda tidak perlu untuk meng-install ulang windows anda.
Ada beberapa cara untuk menghilangkan WGA tray atau windows notification ini.

Cara Pertama:
Silakan anda buka Windows Explorer, lalu masuk ke Local disk:C:\Windows\system32\
cari file dengan nama WGAtray dan wgashield.dll, lalu hapus kedua file tersebut dan silahkan anda restart kembali komputer atau laptop anda.

Cara Kedua:
Silahkan anda menggunakan Program Windows Remove WGA. Caranya sederhana. Tinggal download dari situs ini, lalu jalankan di komputer anda. Program ini akan otomatis menghilangkan kedua file di Local disk:C:\Windows\system32\ tanpa anda capek-capek untuk mencarinya. Setelah anda jalankan, dan kedua file telah di-remove lalu restart komputer anda.

Untuk download Program Windows Remove WGA silakan klik di sini



Kamis, 17 Desember 2009


Teman-teman semua, terkadang kita tidak mengetahui kapan kita akan terkena penyakit, kapan kita akan mengalami keadaan yang sangat parah seperti penyakit ini yang paling banyak mematikan pada 10 tahun terakhir ini dan dikenal dengan nama Stroke.

Sebenarnya bagaimana stroke tersebut bisa terjadi?

Stroke terjadi akibat adanya penyumbatan aliran darah menuju otak yang disebabkan oleh bahan kimia yang sangat kecil yang juga mengalir dalam darah. Bahan kimia tersebut bisa berasal dari pengawet makanan ataupun bahan kimia lainnya yang tidak mampu diolah di dalam tubuh dan ikut ke dalam aliran darah.

Orang yang menderita stroke bisa meninggal dalam waktu yang singkat karena diafragma syaraf yang berfungsi untuk memberikan perintah ke jantung berhenti berfungsi dan menyebabkan serangan jantung.

Ketika penderita stroke belum terlalu parah keadaannya, masih bisa disembuhkan dengan perawatan yang dilakukan dengan intensif dan juga peranan keluarga akan sangat membantu proses penyembuhan.

Pada dasarnya, kematian yang tiba-tiba tersebut karena sel-sel syaraf dan sel pembuluh darah di dalam otak kita sendiri tidak mampu untuk berkontraksi untuk melewatkan bahan kimia penyumbat aliran darah itu. Dengan perawatan melalui makanan sehat dan bebas pengawet kita
akan bisa tetap menjaga kesehatan dan kelenturan sel syaraf atau pun sel pembuluh darah kita.

Orang yang menderita stroke akan kehilangan kemampuan untuk mendefinisikan sesuatu secara global, ia akan menceritakan dan mengatakan sesuatu tersebut tanpa ada pemikiran sebelumnya.

Ada 3 hal yang bisa dilakukan pada penderita stroke, yaitu:
1. Tersenyum dan mengangkat tangan
2. Berusaha untuk melihat benda di sekitar kita
3. Berusaha untuk mengucapkan kata-kata sederhana

Hal penting yang harus kita perhatikan untuk menghindari penyakit ini adalah selalu makan dan minum yang minim bahan kimia dan bahan pengawet yang sangat berbahaya untuk otak kita.


Senin, 14 Desember 2009


I think it is very important to know that we are the social living thing around the world. To get the spouse we will not only get from the same gender, but also from other gender. As we know that the original purpose of do the social networking is to make friends, shifted and turned into a scene that we want to be famous and known by other people. This site that show a gay that looking for a men to be his friend and a social mate. This gay blog will try to make a good perspective for a man that who want to be the greatest mate for other people. Just try to looking for the best at this site. Thanks. Hope all the people get the happily forever and never ending.

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009


Many ways to see the great of 3D design especially about camera or photography sessions. we can see the photographer use their hand to make objects or all objects looks good in a camera. however, to see the introduction of it, we can click on the internet source engine like google or more like this special site or other.

if we are a scientist, we should know about 3d motion or 2d motion. in a camera that expensive, we use pixel to recognize the quality of an object when we sent it as a photo or as a graph. To make a good or best final progress we should know about the object texture that will make an object will has a precious points on art.

To know about the quality of a picture, a background of a vital object should be concerned too. Not only that, but also the quality of the 3D or 2D picture that produced by a camera should be known too by a photographer. The pictures with great three dimensional or two dimensional styles in motion will look more luxurious than only one dimensional object like a line.

So, will you try the best of picture with best quality of camera and best picture texture? I hope so.

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009


I like internet. I feel by I using the Internet and surf the web, I will like the taste of candy, but sometimes, the sweet taste makes us, very easy to know the type personal info. Internet security is the important things to know and realize. There are so many things that can make us safe when we use internet as a hobby or a job. I think here are some ways that we can do to stay safe during our online activities such as you should not give your identity as your full name, your address or your telephone number to anyone who is online in the internet when you do not know the question that given.

They may not be admitted and of themselves, so do not trust them if they guess the real name of the person who invites you to chat or meet in the chat room. To avoid confusion on your friends with strangers should create a password that must be said each other. The good ways and safety things when you using the internet is you can find over here. If sometimes you decide to meet someone directly from online that you do not know him or her, go to a public place and let your friends and your family know about your plans to meet stranger, so you have an alternative plan if it turns out bad things. I think it is enough.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009


I love to do a transaction using internet, by using this site especially in internet marketing. I think, according to an expert internet marketing who has earned millions of dollars of internet marketing in the world, there are some things that should be done by an internet marketer that still learn about internet marketing before they want to start they small or great business by using an internet because it can determine the success or failure that you have done using internet marketing program that you need to have clear objectives in your mind. So, many people jump into the world of free internet marketing with various tips on successful marketing through the internet that they use as alternatives to obtain at least for their income or just get extra money from the internet in their spare time.
We should take the purpose or goal which I mean not the goal here is made too high and difficult to achieve but it is a goal or achievement within our reach is simple but good. You can find about the internet marketing here. Not only there, but also you can find about the great lesson here. If you realize that you're plunged wrestle internet marketing world but without a clear purpose, it may be useful to rethink about the objectives and provisions next time. So, I think that marketing online is a very nice thing if you know how. If you want to try you will be success in internet marketing just try to do blog advertising.

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009


Many ways to expose quality of megapixels, but also many of us do not understand up to what we need improve the megapixels. Actually better megapixel of a camera will make it more expensive, but for the picture quality; bigger or large megapixels will not guarantee best or good quality. I think a digital camera with 2 megapixels is enough for daily photos and enough to be seen on the computer screen and printed up to size 6R or more like 15R. I just recommend if we plan to print at larger sizes, it will require at least 3 megapixels or 4 MP. Then, if still want to print larger, the greater the megapixel will you need like told on this. It shouldn’t force because a camera with a small megapixel still can print on large paper size, but sometimes the results will look blurred or you will get it bad and worst. You should repair it use a computer or PC and find the way here. Just recommence for you all.
When we use a digital camera is similar to other digital media, usually equipped with a menu and control buttons to suit our needs. A camera has several commands easily understandable than other types. We should know the different one with other. The comparison is easy or hard you can conclude if you've tried it. Pay attention to your camera condition to make a good quality of pictures.

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